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Your Privacy 

Fanta Offset Printing Co., Ltd is committed to protect your privacy and will at all times observe the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486, Laws of Hong Kong) (“Ordinance”) in the collection, use and maintenance of your personally identifiable information (“personal data”).

Collection and Use of Your Personal Data

Any personal data collected from you on this website will only be used for the specific purpose(s) mentioned at the time of collection or for purpose(s) directly related to those specific purpose(s) and/or in the relevant personal information collection statement.However, if specific information is requested but not supplied by you, we may be unable to provide the requested service(s).


Use of Cookies

We may use “cookies” on this website. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer by a web server that can later be retrieved by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. Cookies may be used to store your preferences and other information on your computer in order to save your time by eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information and to display your personalized content and appropriate advertising on your later visits to these websites. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer.
We will not collect any personal data from you under this circumstance. The purpose of using cookies is for internal navigation/programming only.
When you sign in to our services on this website, an identification number in cookie will be saved on your computer. This cookie allows you to move from page to page on this Website without having to sign in again on each page. When you sign out, this cookie will be deleted from your computer.
Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you may refuse to accept cookies by modifying your browser setting on your computer system. If you choose to decline cookies, you will be unable to sign in to our servers to use the services of our clubs or unable to use other interactive features of this website.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

We will keep confidential your personal data and will not disclose your personal data to any third party without your consent, except as is required by law. However, your personal data may be disclosed to any third parties (whether within or outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) where such disclosure is necessary to satisfy the purpose(s) of which the data were collected.


Direct marketing

We may use your personal data for sending information of our services or products which we think will be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive our services or products information by direct marketing, please notify us by sending e-mail to


Links to other Websites

This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to this Website. Other websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy Statement and you are advised to refer to the privacy policy of the respective website.



We will take all practicable steps to ensure that your personal data will not be subject to unauthorized access. In particular, access to your personal data will only be restricted to employees who have a need to use the data and who have been trained to handle such data properly and observe confidentiality.


Contact us 

You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by us.
Requests for access to or correction of your personal data or for information in relation to our privacy policy and practices should be respectively addressed to:
General Manager
Flat J, 12/F, Kwun Tong Ind. Ctr. Phase 2, Kwun Tong, Kln, H.K 


IMPORTANT: By visiting our website, you agree to the terms set out above.
Note: This Privacy Policy Statement may be amended by us from time to time and we will post the updated Privacy Policy Statement on this page. In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. 


Fanta Offset Printing Co., Ltd 致力保障 閣下的私隱,並不時遵守香港法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(「條例」)有關收集、使用及保管 閣下的個人身份識別資料(「個人資料」)的規則。


本網站向 閣下所收集的任何個人資料,將僅用作收集時提及的特定用途或直接與此等特定用途有關的用途及/或於相關個人資料收集聲明內所述的用途。 然而,如 閣下未能提供我們要求的特定資料,我們可能無法向 閣下提供所要求的服務。



本網站可能會使用「cookies」。Cookie是網站伺服器置於 閣下電腦中的一個小型文字檔,其後可由位於使用cookie 的區域的網站伺服器檢索。Cookies 可用以儲存 閣下電腦內的偏好選項及其他資料,閣下毋須重複輸入相同的資料,因而節省時間;此外,在 閣下日後瀏覽此等網站時,cookies可用以顯示 閣下的個人化內容及合適的廣告。Cookies 不能用以執行程式及將病毒帶進 閣下的電腦中。 我們不會藉此收集 閣下的任何個人資料。使用cookies僅供內部導航/編寫程式用途。 當 閣下登入本網站的服務時,cookie 內的識別號碼將會存於 閣下的電腦中。利用此cookie,閣下毋須登入網站的每個網頁也可逐一瀏覽這些網頁。當 閣下登出時,該cookie 將會自 閣下的電腦中刪除。 大部份網頁瀏覽器會自動接受 Cookies,但 閣下亦可調整 閣下電腦系統的瀏覽器設定來拒絕接受Cookies。 如果 閣下選擇拒絕Cookies,閣下可能無法登入我們的伺服器使用我們各個會的服務或無法使用本網站的其他互動功能。


我們會將 閣下的個人資料保密。除法律所規定外,我們不會在未經 閣下同意的情況下,向任何第三方披露 閣下的個人資料。然而,如為收集資料之目的有此需要,我們可能會將 閣下的個人資料披露予任何第三方(不論在香港特別行政區以內或海外)。



我們或會利用 閣下的個人資料,向 閣下傳送我們認為 閣下會感興趣的服務或產品資料。如 閣下不欲以直銷方式收到我們的服務或產品資料,請電郵至,通知本公司。






我們將採取所有可行的方法,以確保 閣下的個人資料不會在未經授權的情況下外洩。尤其 閣下的個人資料只可由有需要使用該等資料及明白正確處理該等資料的程序及遵守保密規定的員工查閱。



閣下有權要求查閱及修改由我們持有的 閣下的個人資料。
閣下可向下列個別人士要求查閱或修改 閣下的個人資料,或查詢有關我們的私隱政策及常規的資料:

香港 九龍 官塘工業中心第二期 12樓J室


By  Fanta Offset Printing Co., Ltd

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